Sunday 26 May 2013

How to Lower Home Energy Bills

We are blessed with the discovery and proper utilization of energy around us. There are several sources of energy that makes our living easier. Energy lights up our home every night, keeps us warm during cold winter, allows us to be entertained, and makes our living pleasant no matter what time of the day. And with all the other uses of energy from the moment we check our clocks in the morning to keeping us warn as we rest during the night, all of us would agree that it would be so hard to llive without it.

We can say that we have sufficient energy supply for a lifetime but that does not mean that we are not going to conserve it. After all, technology has its price. And that price is something we have to pay with cash.

And if coping with electric bill is your problem every time you see your bills, here are the ways on how to lower them:

·    Provide good roof coating

A good roof coating deflects heat. And so, insuring that the roof receives a good coating would mean insuring you that your house would maintain good temperature on the inside.

·    Keep your attic well ventilated.

Your attic is one of the more important parts of your house when it comes to the cooling system. The attic is your first and probably the most effective part of your house the keeps the whole house cool. But, in order for your attic to do its main purpose, make sure that it is well insulated.

Provide vents where the heat can come out during summer. Your attic door must also be sealed to ensure that the air from our house does not go through it and vice versa. The attic door can be sealed with weather strippers. 

·    Securing all the leaks.

Leaks contribute to high cost of home energy. Why? It is because air from your house can easily come out from these leaks. And the air from the outside can easily enter the house. Both increase the workload of your heating and cooling system.

You have to remember that air moves according to air pressure and temperature. Since the temperature of inside your house is most of the time different from the temperature outside, air moves freely from these leaks. Making sure that the leaks are sealed would mean less work on your heating and cooling system and lower electric bills.

Leaks would come from fireplaces, ducts, doors, ceilings, floors, walls, windows, plumbing penetrations, electrical outlets, fans, and vents.

·    Reducing the thermostat

One degree centigrade is equivalent to 5% electric bill savings. Therefore, keeping your thermostat low will save you a lot of money. A total saving would also come from switching your thermostat further low when you are not home or if you are sleeping. The ideal temperature during winter is not higher than 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

·    Limiting the use of water heater

The second largest electric consumer next to your heating and cooling system is your water heater.

When you wash you clothes, you don’t need to heat the water up. Just use the water from the faucet. This will save you by as much as 90% in washing machine energy consumption.

·    Use energy efficient material around your home.

There are commercially available materials that would significantly contribute to the reduction of the cost of home energy. One of these is energy efficient windows that deflect the outside temperature (whether during winter or summer) from entering your home.

·    Use your appliance efficiently

It is pretty basic for all of us to turn off televisions, air conditioning, stereos and other electronic gadgets when not using them. However, most still disregard this. The reality is; we can save a lot if we only learn how to turn them off if not in use. Also, small things such as iPod chargers, cellphone chargers, digital clocks, lights and other things that seem to consume small electric current that remain plugged day in and day out contribute to your electric bill. Making sure you unplug them would certainly lower down your monthly electric consumption.

You have the details. All you have to do is to make sure you follow them all.

Why Use a House Energy Shield

We all know how dangerous lightning can be. In fact, the Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters have proven through some experiments just how dangerous having your house hit by lightning is.

Lightning, when it hits a house, actually travels through a home’s electrical system. The lightning tries to find the quickest way to the ground. It can travel through your plumbing and even through the phone.

That is just the reason why you should avoid the phone or the computer during a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt traveling through your phone into your body can actually kill you in less than a second. You might reason out that there are a lot of stories circulating about people who survive being struck by lightning. However, you have to ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky?

In the same note, you should also avoid the shower, as water plus electricity equals very bad news.

Now that you know at least the basics of home lightning safety, let’s move on to your stuff. As said before, Lightning can travel through the house electrical system. This would be no problem for simple appliances like electric fans or light bulbs.

Don’t breathe easy yet, because the appliances that lightning does damage are the ones containing microchips. That’s right: lightning will damage your precious high tech equipment.

What do you do? Well, they always say that preparation is always the best thing you can do. Here are some tips:

1) Unplug all damageable appliances if you think a storm is coming – This would disconnect all the appliances from your house’s main electrical circuit and will save your stuff from being fried.

2) Get a lightning rod – Of course, almost everybody has heard about a lightning rod. This simple device attracts the lightning and diverts it from the house. This device is also grounded. This means that the lightning rod actually makes a pathway for the lightning to reach the ground as quickly as possible without damaging your equipment.

3) Get a house energy shield – This is a relatively new concept built for the sole purpose of preventing surges from frying your appliances.

House energy shields are often installed by electronics companies who specialize in accessories. If you are imagining your house covered by futuristic energy shields that deflect lightning blasts, you may have been reading too much science fiction. A house energy shield is a system provided by some companies that will protect your electrical circuit from damage in case of energy surges.

A house energy shield composes of a number of surge protectors that protect specific appliances. This prevents lightning from doing any real damage to your precious stuff.

Another component of a house energy shield is the UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supply. This piece of equipment actually provides clean power when you experience a power surge or brownout.

We all know the risks of not properly shutting down your computer. A UPS actually gives your system the proper time to shutdown before running out of power. Another problem with sudden brownouts is data loss. Don’t you just hate it when a brownout suddenly turns off your computer and you remember that you forgot to save a document you were working on?

Well, this part of the house energy shield system will allow you to save your files even when you experience a brownout. Now isn’t that just amazing?

House energy shield systems can actually be found in the internet. There are all sorts of equipments and accessories which you can use to protect your electrical system from being damaged due to unfortunate incidents.

You may also choose to buy different types of surge protection equipment and design your own house energy shield. Whatever your choice, you need to know that technology today can let you do whatever you need.

So, there you go, those are some things you may want to know about house energy shields. Remember that a thing doesn’t have to look good or even be visible in order to be effective. This is the case with a house energy shield. Sure, your house may not be enclosed in a force field, but you are protected.

And in the end, protection really does matter, right?

How to Conserve Your House Energy

We all know how much of a headache bills can be. We all hate going to the mailbox, only to find a heap of bills waiting for us. There’s nothing more painful than paying for utilities. It seems that when we receive electricity bills, we are always surprised at how much energy we consume.

However high our house energy bills are, we see them as something we have to endure. After all, we all need to pay for our electricity, right? So whenever we see those high energy bills, we react with resignation, dig deep into our pockets and pay whatever the electric companies demand.

What you need to know is that there are ways to lower those house energy bills. There are a lot of simple and practical ways to conserve energy. By using these methods, you can significantly lower your house energy bill.

First of all, you need to realize that all the little things matter. You need to understand that there are a lot of small things we do that are wasteful of house energy. Some of these little wasteful habits may seem insignificant, but if they are combined, they might amount up to one third of your house energy bill.

Here are some of the habits which can cost you a lot.

1) Leaving the refrigerator door open – Some people may not see this habit as something that would significantly affect their energy bill. However, given the right information, you will see that this habit can actually cost you a lot of money.

You see, a refrigerator works by absorbing the heat within the compartment. If you open the refrigerator door, you let heat enter the system, which means that the refrigerator needs to consume more electricity in order to lower the temperature. By leaving the refrigerator door open, you are essentially trying to absorb all of the heat energy in the house.

Oh, yes, If you still do not know, the little light does go off when you close the refrigerator door so don’t waste energy by trying to find out.

2) Leaving the lights on – This is a very common mistake made by every household in the world. Most people forget to turn off their lights and these lights consume electricity. Sure, one light turned on may not consume much house energy, but what if all your lights were left on? Surely, this would cost you a lot on your electricity bill.

If you can, you might want to open up your shades and let the sun shine into your life. Some people actually tend to draw their shades and then turn on their lights, what’s more wasteful than rejecting free energy?

If you can’t help forgetting to turn the lights off, you may want to consider buying some energy-saving lamps. These lights may cost you more when you first buy them, but these are guaranteed to save you a lot on house energy in the long term. By investing in these lights, you will be able to cut a lot off your house energy bill.

3) Playing with the thermostat – People hate being bored. However, please do not try and ease your boredom by turning the temperature up and down. Whenever you get the urge to adjust your thermostat, ask yourself this question: am I feeling uncomfortable because of the temperature or is it all in my head?

The same advice goes for air conditioners. Sometimes, people blame their discomfort on the temperature. However, you need to be honest with yourself and leave the thermostat alone, ok?

Here are some things you should do to conserve house energy:

1) Try to look for alternatives – In order to save on your house energy, try to look at alternative energy options. You see, there are a lot of different home alternative energy devices available in the market today. These devices can actually support small home appliances by supplying them with free energy.

2) Try to look for energy-saving devices – There are a lot of devices available today that can maximize your house energy efficiency. These devices often only require you to plug them into a socket and they monitor your energy consumption. These ensure that no energy is wastes when you are operating your house appliances. For now, these may cost you a pretty penny, but as the technology continues to develop, expect prices to drop significantly.

Facts about the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO)

Traditional energy sources are continuing to diminish. This is the reason why energy prices continue to increase.

We all know that the main energy source of energy for the United States is oil. As you may have gathered from the news, oil is not really getting any cheaper. In fact, the increasing prices of oil have caused the economies of different nations to suffer.

Because of this, the government often gives incentives to those who would find a means to reduce energy costs. Some of the programs include tax breaks for companies using alternative energy and cash grants for people who try to discover ways on improving alternative energy.

One notable program is the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO). This program is designed to encourage people to use energy efficient home designs. This way, the government hopes to promote energy conservation and overall, lower the energy costs.

The Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO), actually offers cash prizes to people who build energy efficient houses or make some improvements to their residences in order to make them more energy efficient.

As you may gleam from the name, the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is open to any homeowner in the state of Louisiana.

How does one qualify for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO)?

a) New home – in order to be qualified for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO), a new home must be built according to 5-star standards. This means that the new house has to be built at least 30 percent above the Model energy code of 1995.

The application for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) should be filed prior to the actual construction of the house.

b) Existing homes – existing homes must have improvements made upon them in order to qualify for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO). The improvements made upon the home should equal to 30 percent energy efficiency. Also, the application for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) should be filed before the improvements are implemented.

How much is the cash prize given?

The cash prize for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is, of course, proportional to the amount of energy saved. The cash is equal to 20% of the energy efficiency premium up to an amount of 2000 dollars.

How do I get rated?

Well, there are a lot of certified energy raters who will be willing to rate the current energy efficiency level of your house and will also be able to rate the energy efficiency level of any new buildings or improvements you are planning.

What does a home energy rating tell me?

Well, a home energy rating can compare the energy efficiency of your home and lets you compare your potential energy use to that of other homes. It can help calculate your future energy bills and helps you modify the design of your house in order for you to consume your home energy more efficiently.

A home energy rating can also provide you information which may be useful in getting an energy efficiency mortgage. This is a type of loan which provides you money in order to make energy efficiency related improvements on your home. When you calculate the financial value of the improvements, you will see that the mortgage payments are significantly lower than what you’ll have to pay in energy bills without the improvements.

The Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is actually a pretty good incentive when you think about it. In fact, other place may only provide tax breaks when you have an energy efficient home. The amount of savings that a person can have should be enough to encourage anyone to make their homes more energy efficient. However, the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) also offers cash, which means that you will be getting double the reward just by trying to cut back on your energy expenses.

Of course, programs like these would be useless if people continue to live their lives as destructively as they do today. In order for people to be motivated, they need to understand how much wasting energy is affecting our world. They also need to know that energy production today may still be costing us more than we should be willing to pay.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Houses need to survive during winter season. This means that the house should be properly built to endure the winter cold; maintain well insulated walls in order to keep in interior warn; and have a good heating system to further keep the temperature down to a livable condition. For most, these things are normal. But for others who can barely survive on a daily basis, keeping warm during the winter season is easier said than done.

Many families earning just enough are susceptible to the harshness of the winter cold for one main reason: they have no enough fund to maintain a heating system or pay for the electric bills.

Fortunately, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or the LIHEAP provides assistance to families that could not pay for their electric bills, especially during the winter season. And the program is available on all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Also, the program has reached a total of 5 insular areas and 128 Indian tribes or tribal organizations. This only shows that the LIHEAP is dedicated to provide various types of aids in every part of the country and reach the people who need most.

To areas that do not experience winter but experience scorching summer heat, the need for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is also essential. During the mid-day heat of the summer months, houses must be cooled down. And this calls for the use of air conditioning. And the use of air conditioning would equate to additional cost on home energy and thus adding to the burden of households that only earn below the average.

Types of aids

LIHEAP’s aid comes in different forms. Here are those:

·    cash,

·    fuel,

·    prepaid utility bills,

·    vouchers,

·    stamps, and

·    coupons

All these can be used in exchange for home energy.

Payments and priorities differ to accommodate those households with the highest level of need. They are those with lowest income but with highest energy cost with respect to the income. It also takes into account the family size.


To be eligible to enter into the program, you must represent a household.

Household is defined as living together as one economic unit as an individual or within a group of individuals. The individual or group of individuals must be purchasing and using common residential energy, either directly or through rent. You can also be awarded with the grant if there are members of your household that are receiving benefits from Food Stamps, needs-tested veterans' benefits SSI, or the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

You can also be awarded with the grant if your household’s income is under the greater 150% of the set guidelines or 60% of the median income of the state. Households may not be disqualified if its’ income falls less than 110% of the poverty guidelines.


Application for the LIHEAP is available both on the internet and offices of your Federal government. On the internet, the forms are downloadable which can be emailed back. It is also okay to visit the Federal government that caters this and get application there. There are governments that offer downloadable forms and require you to personally visit the office where you can submit your form.

The length of the application process depends on state to state. Often, you they require 1 week processing time. Some would even last for 2 months. You may want to check on specific processing duration from your state.

Types of program
There are several types of LIHEAP on each state. Most of the time, the programs are different from one state to another. Make sure you visit your state’s site in order to get the specific programs that are offered and you can apply for.

Here is some of the basic assistance the state offers. Take note that some might not exist on your state.

·    minor repairs,

·    furnace and chimney cleaning

·    making your home energy efficient

·    furnace replacements

·    energy cost reduction devices

·    emergency assistance, and

·    heating assistance

To get specific details on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, contact your federal government and ask on the details or visit their online sites.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program FAQ

What is Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program?

In general, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or the LIHEAP is a Federal government-funded initiative that aims to assist low-income households on paying for their electric bills. Normally, the LIHEAP is designed to give assistance during winter as the consumption of electricity rises due to the heating demand on each home. However, for places that do not have winter season, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is given to households that could not afford the extra cost of air conditioning during summer.

How does the program work?

The program usually gives priority to households with low income and high electric consumption. The State shall provide financial assistance to cover for electric consumption of beneficiaries.

What are the aims of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program?

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program has 4 aims

1.    To help households with low income to pay for the current electric bill,

2.    To help households with low income to pay for the previews electric bill,

3.    To help households with low income to lower down the future electric bill,

4.    And to help households with low income to improve their homes to adapt on the weather condition, thus making their home more energy efficient.

Are the all programs the same on every state?

Since each state has their own needs, the programs may be different. Some states have Winter Financial Assistance Program. Some have Weathering Program. However, but the basic 4 aims remain the same.

What types of services are offered in case I am found eligible?

All states offer the basic assistance. To be specific here are some of the common services you can get:

·    Emergency assistance

·    Furnace replacements

·    Making your home energy efficient

·    Furnace and chimney cleaning

·    Minor repairs

·    Heating assistance, and

·    Energy cost reduction devices

Take note that these services may not be included on the program of your state. You may want to check on the particular services that are being offered in your state to get specific details.

Who can apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program?

Generally speaking, anyone can apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP as long as they reside on the state where the program is being offered.

Where do I go to apply for LIHEAP?

Each State that offers this program has designated offices where walk in applicants can apply. Some local County Social Services Offices accept application for LIHEAP. There are several States that provide downloadable application forms. You may want to complete the application before you visit the office to make the eligibility determination process faster.

When is the right time to apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program?

Each State has its own set schedule on when to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. You may check on them as to what particular date you can submit your application. 

Am I 100% sure that I can get the grant after I have applied?

Normally, you have to pass the eligibility screening in order to get the grant. For it only serves those who are earning below minimum, everyone can be accommodated but not everyone can become the beneficiary. You may check out first the criteria of the program to determine if you have the chance to become a beneficiary. Each State has its own set of criteria in order to pass the program. You may also want to check on this to know where do you fall.

Should I pay for the application?

No. Application is usually free, however, you may pay on the services you have made based on your income.

How long will the application process last?

Each State has its own length of evaluation and processing period. The State of North Dakota for instance usually processes your application within 45 days. Other States give result from 1 week to 2 months. 

After I have applied, what should I expect?

After your application has been processed, you will receive either an email or a postal main stating that you are found eligible or your application has been denied.

Making Your Mobile Home Energy Efficient

If you were living on a mobile home temporarily or permanently, you surely would want to cut down your electric consumption just like others who would like to cut down theirs.

Here are several ways in making your mobile home energy efficient:

·    Improving the roof paintjob

In the hot and humid months of June, July, August, and September, mobile homes tend to heat up. This is because mobile homes are not built with much ventilation. On regular homes, large attics the separate the outside from the inside keep houses cool. Vents on these attics further contribute to reduction of heat penetration to the house. The space separating the roof of a mobile home and the ceiling is not enough to keep the inside cool. As a result, air conditioning system works harder during hot summer days. Thus, consuming more energy. To lessen the heat penetration to the home, cool roof coating can be done.

Do this when it is not raining since cool roof coating is water-based.

Repainting the roof of your mobile home to deflect the heat that can potentially penetrate to the inside.

·    Providing better roof insulation

Many people, even a mobile home contractor would suggest that you couldn’t do anything to improve the insulation of your mobile home. To tell you honestly, they are totally wrong. You can access the roof cavity from the edge of the roof that is connected with the wall or from the directly through the rooftop. Doing so will save you as much as 15% of your total cooling system consumption.

You can do this on your own or find someone who knows how to do this.

·    Maintaining a good air conditioning

Air conditioning occupies the biggest chunk of your electric bill. This is why you need to make sure that you get the most out of it. To so this, check your air conditioning system regularly. You can start with the air duct. Make sure that the air duct is sealed. Any small leak would let the outside air to enter, thus making the air conditioning to work harder.

Your mobile home’s air duct is usually located underneath. You may want to skirt your mobile home to the ground of few inches from the ground to protect the duct during winter and summer. Skirting would also provide additional protection from your pets to destroy the duct.

·    Air sealing your mobile home

The best way to keep the air outside from entering is to seal every spaces of your mobile home. Windows, doors, and other openings can be sealed by weather stripping, a rubber sealant that keeps that interior airtight.

Doing this will let the air from coming out of the mobile home.

·    The mobile home location

Sitting your mobile home under the shade would let you save from air conditioning. Since shades draw away heat even before it reaches the roof of your mobile home, your air conditioning will not be forced to cool the interior.

·    Ensuring the water heater

The water heater takes 14% of your total energy consumption. This is the second largest energy consumer next to the air conditioning system. If your water heater is located outside the compartment, it surely takes additional energy load since the heat is lost because of the outside air. You cannot cover it of course for safety purposes. Instead, you can use insulation jacket. This will keep the heat inside the tank.

The thermostat dictates the energy consumption of the water heater. If you have less water demand, 120 degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient enough. For larger water consumption, 140 degrees Fahrenheit is usually required.

·    Windows

Proper selection of shutters, shades, and drapes is important to keep the heat inside or away from the mobile home. But, you have to use them properly. Close them during the night to keep the cool air from the outside away and open it during the day if you are not using air conditioning. Use thick shutters, shades, or drapes during winder to keep to cool air from coming in. 

Consider all these to make sure you maximize the use of power in your home. In turn, you will save money on electric bills.